Judgement Collection

US Collection services offers comprehensive asset searches in the U.S., and many other countries of the world.


Judgement Collection Agency

** We only accept judgment cases for evaluation where the principal rendered at verdict is at least $1,000.

To qualify, a complete asset search must be conducted in order to understand if the case is collectible, and if so, what remedies should be taken.

If the asset search purchased from our company indicates a collectible status for the judgment, an assignment may be considered (but is not guaranteed).

Asset search information may also be used in conjunction with another collector's service, or attorney on retainer for your case. Using our services does not obligate you to utilize our company for recovery.


Please download the application below for more information. **


  • The First Step - Asset Search
    Do you have a potentially collectible judgment recovery case where the principal rendered at verdict is $1,000 or more? The first step in the process is to determine if the case is collectible. In order to be evaluated for assignment, an asset search needs to be purchased from our company.

    For more information, please visit our Asset Search Page

Our research is trusted by hundreds of law firms across the country This is the key to determining the value of your case and securing a successful enforcement of your judgment. Using our asset search services does not obligate you to use our firm for recovery.

  • Determination of Collectability
    After the research on your judgment debtor is obtained and communicated to you, a determination will be made if the case is collectible. Assignment - If accepted, we will send you a Judgment Recovery Application with Agreement for collection

  • Get Paid
    You will get paid directly from Judgment Collection Specialists. Once proceeds from a judgment recovery are received in our office, you will receive a check for your percentage as listed in the Agreement for Assignment.

US Collection Services has a prominent reputation in the field of judgment collection and the quality of our work has been trusted by some of the major law firms, financial institutions and government agencies. As a Judgment Collection Agency, we have dealt with a number of challenges while collecting money from aggressive debtors. With the help of an electronic tracking system that works 24x7, our skilled experts keep a watch on the debtors without their knowledge. Our professionally trained staff begins with asset search at first before collecting the debts. What makes us special when people look for judgment collection services? With the latest methodologies and tools, we offer satisfactory services to our clients.

Our collection team is experienced in handling complicated cases involving enormous amount of money. The electronic tracking system that we employ for tracking the financial status of the debtors provides information as soon as a change occurs. We conduct a research of the assets at first for determining the collectability and send a form to our clients as soon as the assignment is accepted by our team of experts. A disciplined approach towards the assignments that we accept from our clients have helped us tackle the most critical cases and revealed our potential for offering Judgment Recovery Services to the clients.

Many times, people do not turn up during court trials and recovering the amount becomes a challenge in such cases. US Collection Services has specialized in Default Judgment Collections. With an array of services and network that spreads in different corners of the world, we have successfully established ourselves as one of the best service providers with the help of our licensed private investigators. Our services have remained in demand for over 20 years and we have collected judgments of different volumes. Time is an essence when it comes to debt collection and we believe in delivering the services within the designated time.

Judgment Collection - Asset Search - Apartment Rental Lease Collections - People Finder
Statute Of Limitations For Debt Collection and Judgment Collection - Enforcing out of State Judgments Lawyers
Domestication of Foreign Judgments or Sister State Judgments

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U.S. Collection Services

1-800-519-2334 • 954-757-6070

email : info@uscollectionservices.com

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People locator for debt collection. Find people for judgment collection, judgement enforcement or debt collection reasons. Asset search for hidden assets and bank accounts.

A Division Of US Record Search And Information Services, Inc.

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